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Strain Review: Old Family Purple by Liontree Farms

Time for another @mongoosecannabis and @liontreefarms review, this time of the Old Family Purple strain. I’m really enjoying reviewing Mongoose’s stuff since they opened, and with @tetra.pdx closing for a few weeks, I’ll probably be doing it even more for a bit.

Lineage/Genetics: Triangle Kush x Purple Urkle

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Liontree Farms

Dispensary: Mongoose Cannabis

Old Family Purple Strain Review

old family purple by liontree farms strain review by pdxstoneman 2This was a great night time smoke. Felt like some of the old school “Kush” you’d buy on the black market.

Super heavy and sedating with some serious sleepiness after a few minutes. I have a lot of insomnia trouble, and this took care of it in short order.

Get this stuff when you see it. Support your local shop in the safest, most curbside pick-upy way you can.


Check out the rest of my reviews right here on www.thehighestcritic.com
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