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Strain Review: Rozay Breath #3 by Genesis Bioceuticals

Rozay Breath #3 (Purple Bomb x Sunset Sherbet) By: @genesis_bioceuticals_az

Lineage/Genetics: (Purple Bomb x Sunset Sherbet)

Original Breeder: Relentless Genetics

Grower: Genesis Bioceuticals

Dispensary: Tru Bliss Organic

Rozay Breath #3 Strain Review

rozay breath #3 by genesis bioceuticals strain review by slumpysmokesStopped by @trublissorganic last month and noticed they recently added Genesis quarters bags. About 5 different strains to choose from at the time but the second I saw this Rozay my mind was already made up. There’s really no information on this strain other than it is a hybrid indica with genetics by @relentless_genstics. The only “rozay” strain you can find is Pink Rozay which is bred by Cookies. Then there is a “Rozé” which is an offspring of zkittles handed down by a breeder by the name of “Gas Station Bob”. Considering I’ve never had anything Rozay/Rozé before but have been a fan of breath crosses lately so I was very hype to get into this one!

Breathtakingly beautiful buds so colorful it creates a rozay rainbow🌈 Incredibly dark shades of purple almost completely override the greens making these buds 99% purple😈 I was hypnotized by the light/dark brown hairs due to their worm like ability to grow out then weasel their way back into the buds like an apple🍏🪱The absurd amount of trichomes these nugs possess is astonishing. The massive trichome heads remind me of astronaut helmets👩🏼‍🚀

A creamy sweet floral aroma is awoken by the pop of the mylar seal. Pre grind you get more of a fruity sweetness; however, post grind transforms into a pungent berry/grape sweetness🫐🍇 Smells identical to a Granddaddy Purp or Grape Ape distillate syringe🍯

Due to the dryness of this batch, the flavor was incredibly disappointing. Quite confusing considering the aroma was there. Upon combustion, I could just feel the harsh smoke slowly making its way towards my lips. Once the murky mist was inhaled, my lungs along with tastebuds were coated in harsh earthy floral film. I had hope for this one but sadly was finessed by another dry flavorless pack.

Effects began at the back of the head creating space for the THC that was about to fill it. Thoughts become scrambled eggs and short term memory loss kicks in. Hits nicely behind the eyes but not as heavy as I anticipated. Slowly melts down the upper body but does not make it past the waist. All around good effects but could be better.Ironically when typing this up I was thinking this was not worth the ticket price I paid. If this was priced lower (which it is now) then it would possibly be acceptable. However considering I was not a huge fan of this I do not see myself paying that much for that quality again. If you have tried Genesis, what’s your favorite strain from them?

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