ArizonaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Soul Assassin by Mohave Cannabis Co.

Soul Assassin by @mohavecannabisco from

Lineage/Genetics: (Sour Diesel x OG Kush)

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Mohave Cannabis Co.

Dominant Terpene: Unknown

Soul Assassin Strain Review

FINALLY got the chance to assassinate my lungs with this fire ass SA OG from the gas growers over at Mohave🔥 Many people say it’s a cross between Sour D and OG Kush however others believe it to be a Lemon Tai x OG Kush cross. With this being a fan favorite and being an OG variant, you know I was exhilarated to get into this one!

Incredibly beautiful nugs with on point bud structure and size👌🏽Extremely thick blanket of trichomes that give off the impression a fresh snowfall had just occurred🌨 You can just see how MATURE these trichs are by how big and bright they portray themselves. Buds are some of the stickiest i’ve ever encountered to date. Looks like dried hot glue strings when pressure is added🤏🏽The absurd frost combined with the light/dark hairs reminds me of TopShelf glue! However the camera does not do this one justice as it looks even gnarlier in person.

Aroma is a gassy peppery musk with a dash of fresh dew. Broken up the gassy minty musk is amplified. Almost had that weird kind of cheesiness from the gelato by Sonoran which had me scratching my head.

Flavor is where my exhilaration started to fade away. The smoke is fairly smooth with decent lung punch, however no lip smacking gassy/musky terps translated to the smoke at all. Earthy musk on the inhale with a bland greenery taste similar to unseasoned broccoli stalk🥦 Don’t get me wrong I love broccoli but not in my weed😂

Instead of starting behind the head, effects go straight behind the eyes then slowly expands to the back of the head as if your head is a balloon being filled with thc🎈Eventually the indica 🌊 crashes over the shoulders trickling down the entire body for head to toe relaxation. Eyes become very heavy, be ready to be SLUMPY💤

In my opinion I feel like this flower was harvested too soon. Last vid you can just tell it has 0 crunch. Very sticky but not that proper cure sticky. I believe that’s why It had a dewy aroma and unpleasant flavor. Not sure if KindMeds storing flower in a fridge has anything to do with it? Feel like that could possibly be a factor..Thoughts on fridge kept weed?

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