Strain Review: Tamarindoz by Backpack Boyz
Strain: Tamarindoz
Who: @backpackboyz420__41510 @flowerchild_farms
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Flower Child Farms
Distributor: Backpack Boyz x 5 Points LA
Tamarindoz Strain Review
Stats: N/A
Aroma: Lavender, Menthol, Skunk, Clamato Juice, Fabric Softener.
Palate: Pepper, Lemon, Indian Curry, Cilantro, Sour Cream, Lingering Perfume.
Structure: Crude looking little buds, pretty ugly all around. Soft, squishy and extremely dense.
Medicinal Effect: Medium Strength – Head crushing, a bit spacey. Light couch-lock.
Overall: Funky, pungent, and eye-watering aromas shoot right from the pack as I tear it open. While not attractive, the bud is squishy, fresh, and terp rich, even though I wish was the smell was a bit more pleasant. I had to transfer this bus to an airtight container immediately. Even though the nugs didn’t look impressive, I was beyond excited to get into the tasting notes and medicinal effect. It definitely delivers on its sedative, head-twisting effect, but the flavor is a little strange…
The inhale is thick and heavy, this is a strain that would cause a coughing fit if you try to rage on 1g bowls so I tamed it back a bit and packed smaller bowls. As I exhale I get some weird flavors. I even switched pieces to confirm… folks if you like some funky flavors this is it right here. Strong peppery lemon rind notes develop into a strange Indian curry spice and then finish off with this spicy, soapy, perfume-like quality. You might like it, you might want to vomit. I was really intrigued, because the only thing I’ve had that was close to this strain was Gary Payton by Cookies 🗑 This is like a younger, faster, super-charged version of Gary and is definitely one for the flavor-seekers.
I really enjoyed this strain. I don’t know if you’re like me but every once in a while you just get a strain that seems like a chore to get through but this was a delight from the first to the last burn. Caveat: this strain is not available in legal dispensaries. You might need to do a little ahem underground market digging to find this one, but if you do it’s worth a shot. At the very worst, it WILL get you high… so there’s that.
The Fire Scale: 8/10 flame-veepers
Who out there has found this strain already? What did you think?
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