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Vape Review: Chocolate Coconut Slim Vape Pen by Curaleaf

Taffies vape pen chocolate coconut-Hybrid

Dispensary: Curaleaf

Chocolate Coconut Slim Vape Pen Review

chocolate coconut slim vape pen vape reviews by shanchyrls 2THC: 30%

Recommended time of use: This is an all around pen, as it doesn’t really get you tired, but beware, if you are a heavy user, this is not a very strong pen, and you will require constant administration to maintain a desired effect.

Head: This is a very happy and uplifting strain, it made everything more colorful, I got this as a free pen thanks to a cannabis conference, and it made traffic tolerable and not annoying on the way back home ( I was not driving, I do not condone driving under the influence)

Body: This strain didn’t really affect my body much, so I would not recommend this strain for someone who is seeking pain relieving properties, or at least for me, it does not work for that.

Creativity/talkative: This is where this pen shines, as it made me very happy, not that creative, but extremely social, and for being at a cannabis convention, it came in very handy!

Hunger: This strain did not really bring me much hunger, but it did give me cotton mouth which became a little uncomfortable when sometimes I can just get past it just fine. .
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