
Vape Review: Citrus Jack Cartridge from One Plant

Citrus Jack cartridge from @oneplant.fl 🔥🔥🔥

Lineage/Genetics: Jack Herer x Sweet Pink Grapefruit x Orange Bud

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: One Plant

Processor: One Plant

Dispensary: One Plant

Citrus Jack Cartridge Review

citrus jack cartridge by one plant fl thc percentage cartridge review by indicadamSuch a high-quality and affordable option for people wanting discreet medication on the go! 3x .5g carts for $90?? Sign me up! Cheaper and way better than papa’s herb carts at Liberty Health.

This one had such an intense citrus flavor and a very strong cerebral high that provides a nice energetic buzz to help you better prepare for whatever global pandemic may come your way👍🏼. Really like these Greentank Tech carts they use as well. Heavy and high-quality👌🏼.

THC: 92.42%

CBD: 0.31%

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