Vape Review: Hybrid Disposable by aphria
Liberty health THC Disposable cartridge- Hybrid
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Processor: aphria
Dispensary: Liberty Health Sciences
aphria Hybrid Disposable Review
Thc: 83.6% cbd: 0.9%
Recommended time of use: I would recommend this strain late afternoon to night time, as the indica dominance on this disposable pen made me somewhat a couch potato! 🥔
Head: my thoughts and overthinking eased, allowing me to relax my body further. I enjoyed the hybrid ratio mix, I feel like it just worked perfectly for me
Body: my body felt very heavy and loose, I was slow, but not shlumped. Even though my eye lids felt extremely heavy, I did not get the urge to fall asleep
Creativity/talkative: I was not talkative whatsoever, this strain made me very antisocial, which honestly sometimes taking time for yourself allows you to listen to what your body actually needs
Hunger: this pen did not cause me any hunger at all, not really sure why, but I am not complaining as I already eat more than enough
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