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Concentrate Review: Deadhead OG Crumble by PRICH Biotech

Good morning!

Today we’re going to talk about Deadhead OG crumble!


Lineage/Genetics: Chemdawg 91 x SFV OG Kush

Original Breeder: Cali Connection Seeds

Grower: PRICH Biotech

Processor: PRICH Biotech

Deadhead OG Crumble Review

deadhead og crumble by prich biotech concentrate review by trippietropicalProfiles: This strains has a very pungent earthy and piney smell and taste.

Deadhead OG creates a relaxed, happy, euphoric, uplifted, and focused feeling. (Please take to consideration that the effects vary from person to person). This is a strain perfect for: stress, pain, depression, insomnia, and muscle spasms.

The effects of the crumble are instant, you feel super lifted instantly which i like. Would love that the look of the product was more clean cut and pretty but otherwise it kept me medicated throughout the day. Especially on a work event that I couldn’t medicate through and it mantained me stress and pain free.

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