Strain Review: Cookies N’ Cream by Jungle Boyz
Strain: Cookies N’ Cream
Who: @jungleboys
Lineage: Starfighter x Girl Scout Cookies
Original Breeder: Exotic Genetix
Grower: Jungle Boyz
Dispensary: Los Angeles Farmers
Stats: 28.30% THC – .07% CBD
36.36% Total Cannabinoids
Aroma: Seaweed, Almond Cookie, Cedar.
Flavor: Soil, Vanilla, Spice.
Structure: Twisted, Crunchy, Frosty. Light green shade with some orange poking through.
Medicinal Effect: Moderate Strength – Mainly a body high with a slight hazy head shift. I feel very unfocused and sedated. I would assume that this could be a suitable strain for mild pain relief, insomnia (for some), and apnea.
Overall: As the seal breaks on the bag I am immediately rushed by this sweet, yet strange aroma. Like if I was baking pastries while out at sea. Then there’s a touch of fresh, woody notes that balance it out. Weird, but sort of intoxicating. The bud feels a tad dry on the cure, but I am willing to forgive that if the taste is anywhere like the aroma.
After trying this strain out over a dozen times through all sorts of different types of bongs, bubblers, low temp vapor, etc. I get almost zero flavor coming through. This tastes like spicy, earthy mids. I am not surprised that this strain only shows up on the Jungle Boys menu on rare occasion. Simply, and crudely stated, this batch sucked, and I wouldn’t have any high hopes for future bags. Avoid this.
The Fire Scale: 4/10 flame-hoogas
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Cookies N’ Cream Strain Review

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