Strain Review: Creme Brulee Cookies by Pina Cannabis
#cremebruleecookies 🍮🍪
Lineage/Genetics: Platinum Kush x OG Kush x GSC
Original Breeder: Emerald Family Farms
Grower: Pina Cannabis
Dispensary: Blunts and Moore
Creme Brulee Cookies Strain Review
#Platinumkush x #OGKush x #GSC
22% – 842mg #thc
.04% – 3.54mg #cbd
27% #cannabinoids
Harvest ~5.24.20
Packaged ~ 6.25.20
Thank You 🙌🏿
@larryjunetfm @thefreeminded
Flower Appearance 8️⃣/10
(med-big nugs, loose structured, darker green , long stigmas)
Flower Aroma 9️⃣/10
(garlic/spice, pine, skunk, hints of sour and vanilla)
Smokeability 9️⃣/10
(Mid-heavy smoke, slightly sharp, herb/spice flavor)
Effects 🔟/10 🔥
(Fast acting, long lasting, body relaxer, munchies, mood enhancing)
🍮 Pungent garlicky aroma with deep sour skunk tones and very soft hidden hints of vanilla creme .
🍪 Medium and big , darker green-hued . unfettered nugs with clusters of long light brown shaded orange stigmas. Lots of #trichomes on buds and leaves. Sticky and great structure when breaking down.
🍍 The flavor is strong consistent herbal taste of garlic, pine and earth with hidden hints of vanilla creme mixed in on the exhale.
💯Strong Body and mind effects, quickly giving you a lifted ,mood enhancing sensation that falls into your body relaxing you untill your couchlocked thinking about your munchies.
🔥Great for managing stress, moods, appetites ,insomnia and all things related. Found this hidden gem at my first visit to @bluntsandmoore_oakland and got to enjoy after a nice walk around Lake Merrit.
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