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Strain Review: Kingpin by Gramercy TYC

#kingpin @gramercy.tyc @backpackboyz.losangeles @k0rteezie @nuccs_ @japoreann @marz2damoon @theeebabyjam @dabsbefore9am @niaa_m @anti_mids_club @thethcspot @thehighestcritic @thefirescale @zerofuxthecannabisconnoisseur

Lineage/Genetics🧬: Biscotti x Gelato #33 x Z ??!!!

Original Breeder: Unknown

Brand: Gramercy.TYC

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Kingpin Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

Pckg: 12/19/22
THC: 31.640% CBD: 0.227%

kingpin by gramercy tyc strain revew by phenoreviews

Always looking for that something different so I came across this from @gramercy.tyc and was given a good recommendation so I thought I’d try it out.
The taste on inhale was a pungent punch of fuel right away with undertones of subtle sweet and slightly gassy. A complex deep gassy/candy combo with layers of bittersweet tart fuel interchanging with slight notes of subtle spice and sweet. Great pressure😤😤, nice clean and smooth 💨. The taste on exhale was a more evolved version of the inhale as all those traits and flavor notes come together and file out the mouth like a tsunami 🌊 of gassy goodness.
The head high was immediate, and onset heavy eyes with Templar numbness….this one ain’t for the meek or weak…experts only smoke. Moderate euphoria with strong Stoney vibes, very little focus, and slight haze and couch lock depending on amount consumed. Anti anxiety, anti headache, calming/relaxation throughout the mind.
The body high was moderate and very complimentary to the cerebral effects. Nice calming sensation taking over after awhile with some pain relief and meditative properties.
Anti inflammatory, relaxing and slight sedative properties present.
Taste: 9.25+ High: 9.5+
Overall: A1+🔥🔥💨💨💚💚💚
This was a great pickup especially because of the strength of this strain. Checked all the boxes, could’ve been dialed in a bit more on the taste but the effects on both cerebral and physiological level were proper and long lasting. definitely would recommend if you see a fresh batch of this 🔥💚.

#kingpin #gramercy #thankyourconnect #antimidsclub #amcorgohome #wedontsmokethesame #smokebetter #qualityoverquantity #thefloracle #pickiestofthestickiest #fresherpressure #treatyourselfdontcheatyourself

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