Strain Review: Larry’s Breath by Georgetown Flavors
Lineage/Genetics: Gelato 33 x Peanut Butter Breath
Original Breeder: Island Boyz Exotics
Grower: Georgetown Flavors

Larry’s Breath Strain Review
@georgetownflavors.rep @islandboyzexotics_official1 Larry’s Breath stands out from the crowd given its unusual appearance. Larry’s Breath boasts a notably dense bud structure characterized by deep purple hues, ranging from eggplant to violet to grape. Remote green sugar leaves and splotches can be located throughout. Long, wiry bright pumpkin pistils cover the buds like moss on wet rocks, giving the strain an otherworldly appearance. Sugary trichomes lie on the surface to give the bud a dusted look. One of my favorite strains from an appearance standpoint alone. Upon opening the jar, Larry’s Breath invades the nostrils with a “cheesy”, sour pine and diesel aroma. Contrasting it’s fuel-like aroma, Larry’s Breathe inhale was incredibly fruity, with the strains Gelato extremely prevalent. However the flavor also possessed a nutty, gassy flavor to it as well, adding depth to the strain its predecessor lacks. I found Larry’s Breath to posses predominately cerebral oriented effects. A large rip from the bong, and I felt with one behind my eyes and clouding my thoughts immediately. Cloudy/hazy, creative, mildly uplifting at first with definite sedation on the backend. I was zoned out, but not knocked out. I can see this as an all day weekend strain, but not intended for a days work ahead. Strength: 8/10 A delicious strain with balanced cerebral effects. Despite lacking a knock out blow, Larry’s Breath was an ideal after work strain to keep me going in the evening hours. #Budfinder • • • • #dcbud #dc420 #420 #dcweed #mdweed #stoner #marijuana #legalizedweed #dccannabisculture #budtender #strainfinder #thc #dcgrown #dcgrowers #cannabisdaily #dccannabis #dcdabbers #dcedibles #puffpuffpass #dcnightlife #dmv420 #topshelf #devilslettuce #stoner #whiteashonly #cleanmeds #i71 #Gelato #larryCheck out more reviews by @budfinderdc on Instagram! (