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Strain Review: Mango Kush by Livetia Farms

I’ve been sitting on this Mango Kush for a little bit. I haven’t managed to find a decent batch for a while. Like, almost exclusively outdoor mids. This batch I got from @tetra.pdx wasn’t super expensive, and the gamble paid off.

Lineage/Genetics: Mango x Hindu Kush

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: Livetia Farms

Dispensary: Tetra Cannabis

Mango Kush Strain Review

mango kush by livetia farms strain review by pdxstoneman 2It had a notable grassiness to it, similar to overripe bananas and fermenting sugarcane. Not quite a rum funk to it, but if you’ve had an unaged cachaça, some of those funky, outdoorsy sweet flavors came through in the smoke. Calling this tropical would give many the wrong impression, but it’s tropical as fuck. Just smells like walking outside in the jungle. I’ve heard people complain about flavors like that, but I don’t share their opinion, so they are dead to me.

The high was exactly what I expected from Mango Kush. Relaxing, but not overpowering or sleepy. It’s one of those ones that’s easy to work into most parts of your day.

@livetiafarms runs some variety of combination grow, and these nugs have the gnarled stems you’d expect from a lot of outdoor weed, but looks aren’t everything. They did a good job with this stuff. It’s cured and flushed well, it’s not dry, and the terps come through sufficiently for the price. Definitely worth the grab.

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