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Strain Review: Meat Breath by LoganLocal

Grab your 🍴; we’re having meatloaf for dinner, kids, but this is not your mom’s meatloaf! 🤣

Lineage/Genetics: Meatloaf x Mendo Breath

Original Breeder: ThugPug Genetics

Grower: LoganLocal

LoganLocal Meat Breath Strain Review

Meat Breath, a cross of Meatloaf and Mendo Breath, has a pungent nose that is unlike any other cultivar I’ve tried. It’s sweet and gassy, with hamburger-like undertones.

I didn’t let the smell put me off because I knew the effects would deliver the relaxing yet mentally uplifting experience I needed, thanks to the dominant terpenes caryophyllene, limonene, and myrcene. Initially, the effects hit behind the eyes and gave me just enough energy to knock out some late night work, but as I consumed more, relaxation washed over me and eventually conquered me, lulling me into a very deep sleep.
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