CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Mendo Breath by Pure Beauty

Mendo Breath 🌬🐲Review latepost*

Lineage/Genetics: (Og Kush BreathMendo Montage)

Original Breeder: Gage Green Genetics

Grower: Pure Beauty (Marley Naturals)

Dispensary: Canna Culture

Pure Beauty Mendo Breath Strain Review

mendo breath by pure beauty strain review by 2Premium Indoor Indica Cannabis Flower
@purebeautypurebeauty @cannaculturesanjose
@sjweedreview @ko_smokez
24.85% THC
0.36% CBD
29.87% Total Cannabinoids
1.52% Total Terpenes
-(.45% Limonene, .39% Caryophyllene, .21% Myrcene)
Pure Beauty is also a well known street eear brand, the cannabis company was founded by the good folks @marleynatural who are based in Washington. Pure beauty offers flower hand watered and trimmed and grown with sustainable energy.
Trichome crystals coat the flower giving a complementary lucullan aesthetic to the vibrant plush green and purple leaves with clusters of violet and short, bright and fiery orange pistils.
The mix of terpenes give off a pungent herabal, spice and savory skunk aroma. On the inhale and even the first whiffnoff opening the jar you get strong notes of oregano and clove with deep strong musky pine. The flavors and aromas are consistent through the smooth and heavy smoke.
Powerful and balanced high that instantly gives your mind and body a deep relaxing sensation. In no time youll be feeling very calm and euphoric. I definitely recommend for night time use, the effexts help with insomnia, appetite regulation, stress and pain.

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