CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Milk and Cookies by Artisan Canna Cigars

Milk and Cookies 🥛🍪🍪 Review

Lineage/Genetics: Cookies and CreamTriple OG

Original Breeder: Exotic Genetix

Grower: Artisan Canna Cigars

Dispensary: Haze Dispensary

Milk and Cookies Strain Review

milk and cookies by artisan canna cigars strain review by sjweed.reviewIndica Dominant 60/40 Indoor Premium Flower BIGS
29.69% Total Thc
35.22% Total Cannabinoids
@artisancannacigarsca @artisancannacigarswa @artisancannacigarscencal @haze420sj @sjweedreview @ko_smokez @westcoastsmokeshow
😂The first thing I thought of when I saw the name of the strain is @berniemacofficial legendary “Milk and Cookies” joke. Off the strength of the thought of the great Bernie Mac, I bought this strain and was going to watch his some his stand up while smoking a chop, I reccommend yall do it and get good laugh in during these tough times.
Thick layers of milky white, glistening trichomes completely cover the big and chunky, forest/fern, lime/light green nugs that have streaky, violet hued leaves coily amber pistils. It all comes together to create a visual reminiscent of a chocolate chip cookie floating in an ice cold glass of milk.
A Pungent, lingering, deep, creamy and earthy fuel notes with citrus hints. When you first open the jar you get strong notes of cream and earth with a piney citrus mix underneath.
Sweet creamy earth flavor that gives the flower a chocolate chip cookie vibe when inhaling, on the back end of the inhale you get a slight gassy flavor. When exhaling theres tangy, spicy, pine hints.
Fast acting and hard hitting effects. From the first hit I immediately felt it in my head relieving alot of tension. The relief releases in waves throughout my body elimintaing any stress and tension making you feel super uplifted and spacey. Just when I thought I couldnt get any higher…I did, the first blunt ended up hitting like 3 blunts as I found myself losing control of the weight of my body and unapologetically laughing my ass off at everything Bernie Mac said. If you wanna feel like you did as a kid staying up late eating cookies and watching movies with the fam and friends then I highly recommend you try , and of course dont forget a some munchies because they’ll hit hard.

🍪In all honesty I wouldnt have picked this up if I realized this was the same brand that is known for their amazing canna cigars, Thai sticks, and prerolled blunts. I dont usually medicate with prerolls, so I wasnt going out of my way to try their flower. Really it’s the best mistake I’ve made all year because even though I was expecting a really good experience given its sky high percentages and impressive lineage, this strain really surpassed my expectations and made me a real fan of the brand @cannacigars. A kind of blissful high that stoners tend to chase.

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