CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Cookies and Cream by Mad Cow Genetics

Cookies & Cream🍪🚀 Review
Lab grade~indoor~hand trimmed

indica-dominant hybrid

Lineage/Genetics: Starfighter x Girl Scout Cookies *Pheno

Original Breeder: Exotic Genetix

Grower: Mad Cow Genetics

Dispensary: Canna Culture

Mad Cow Genetics Cookies and Cream Strain Review

@madcowgenetics @cannaculturesanjose @cannabiography
35.94% Total Cannabinoids
31.43% Total Thc
Flavor and Aroma – Sweet, creamy, vanilla undertones with an earthy, nutty mix layered on top with slight buttery hints.
Super smooth nice sticky moist feeling while breaking down
Medium and big, popcorn shaped dense nugs. Frosted with a layer of trichomes , the light and forest green nugs have muted purple tone with dark green leaves rested on the outer layer. Vibrant dark orange stigmas embed deep near the stem and reach through to the outer layer giving the flower a hairy accent.
A slow mellow high. Begins as a hazey, heady sensation that floats relaxation into the rest of your body. A euphoric uplifting mood switch accommpanied by a dreamy mental state ,slightly hightens the senses allowing you to really stop and smell the roses.
I enjoyed an overall calming, slightly-couchlocking, optimistic experience with @ko_smokez so check her page to see how it burns . Great for any time of day , solo or with friends. Very well balanced.

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