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Strain Review: Bordeaux 916 by binske

Strain: Bordeaux 916

Lineage: Old Family Purple X Merlot OG

Genetic Type: Indica Hybrid

Cannabinoids: Total: 34.3% THC 28.7% CBD 0.09%

Harvest/Package Date: 3/17/22

Brand: binske @binske

Dispensary: Lytt @lytt_ca

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Bordeaux 916 Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review

bordeaux 916 by binske strain review by norcalcannabearLook: 1 large nug and 5 medium sized nugs filled this jar to 3.45 Gs just barely missing the 3.5 mark. Beautiful dense chunky nugs of deep rich purples and some medium to light greens scattered throughout. Absolutely covered in sticky blonde trichomes and the vibrant orange pistils really stand out against the purple base.

Scent: Hit with a sweet mixed berries aroma mixed with a tangy gas and a smokey piney musk. When you break into the nugs it releases a pungent skunky new rubber smell.

Flavor: The sweet musky berries is the first thing that i tasted when lighting the bowl. Get a smokey earthy finish on the exhale. Almost get a slight herbal spice like a nutmeg, very faint

Effects: First hit with heavy eyes, then the head starts to feel heavy, muscles more and more relaxed as the high settles in. A little bit spacey/stoney vibe, calming and mellow. Good mild to strong sedation effects with some appetite stimulation. This is definitely a “End of Day” smoke, perfect for when you’re done with all you’re responsibilities for the day and looking to unwind.

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14+ year long Med/Rec Cannabis user from the Bay Area, California. Providing my honest opinion of cannabis products ranging from economical to top shelf. Follow me on Instagram @norcalcannabear

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14+ year long Med/Rec Cannabis user from the Bay Area, California. Providing my honest opinion of cannabis products ranging from economical to top shelf. Follow me on Instagram @norcalcannabear

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