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Cultivar Review: X Lato by Chinglato Farms

XLato by @therealchinglato x @empiregenetics Lineage – Sunset Sherb x Thin Mint GSC Bred by: SHERBINSKIS @sherbinski415 Grower: Chinglato Farms Terpene Profile: Unknown

XLato Cannabis Cultivar (Strain) Review by Letmeseewhatusmokin

x lato by chinglato farms strain review by letmeseewhatusmokin @thethcspot blessed me with the X Lato From @empiregenetics x @therealchinglato. The X Lato comes the Sunset sherb x GSC bringing the memorable sweet funk with a nostalgic bag. The Mylar is design with non other than Wolverine from the X-Men bringing back the Saturday morning cartoons. The structure of the medium size nugs were dense, since flower was cultivated in July/August, but still well trimmed. The nugs had an almond flour color trichomes, Beet Juice color hues, Brussels sprout 🌱 color leaves. The nose is a musky, herbal, candy coated fuel . The Palate is caryophyllene sweet spice, limonene fruit flavors combine with a humulene earthy woody after punch. The effects are a medium level cerebral high, heavy intense can last 30 mins. The buzz starts 6-7 pulls in, overall total high 2 hours. I smoked it on the elements paper, the resin when to the filter. The ashes burned 50/50 salt n pepper- 3/5 . I smoked it on the blazing Suzans and it burned way better. The ashes burned 70/30 more salt at first and turned into a 50/50 to finish the sesh-4/5. In conclusion, X Lato has the flower and bag appeal, the nose and palate ✅ the smoke burned good depending the paper being used. The bags brought me memories of my childhood. The flower also smoked good as well. Shoutout to @thethcspot and @empireinvestements for the blessings. – X Lato – 4/5 . . . . . . . #weedreview #notforsale #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #highsociety #stonerlifestyle #stonersociety #weedsmokers #smokingweed #cannabislove #cannabisconnoisseurscoalition #cannabislifestyle #cannabisconnoisseurconnection #420culture #cannabisgrow #cannabiscures #cannabisreviews #weedreviews #letmeseewhatusmokin #cannabisconnoisseurgenetics #weedgram #cannabisconnoisseur👌 #cannabisindustry #weedsociety

X Lato Review by Robbreefa

X-Lato (runtz#33) by @empiregenetics @therealchinglato Reefa rating: Smell- ✅ Look-✅ Smoke-❎ Taste-✅ High-✅ Memorable-❎ Big shoutout to @thethcspot & @empiregenetics X men by far is one of my favs 90s era cartoon, but good weed is for sure more important to me lmao. That being said, I’m glad the weed was up to par and it wasn’t just a cool bag. The nose on these had an undeniable Runtz type appeal. The buds were the nice sized sponge like flower that look like they just got blasted with frost. The smoke experience was good at first with a nice sweet floral on inhale but towards the mid/end the exhale had me coughing. The potency is on point with. High creeped in at about 5-7 pulls and lasted for 1-1.5hrs, and deff got my mind right! #robbreefa #reefaradio #empiregenetics #chinglato #chinglatofarms #smokechamps #explorer #explorerpage
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