CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Reivew: Stiiizy Cookies by STIIIZY

Stiiizy Cookies🍪🥠 Review *latepost

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder: STIIIZY


Dispensary: Canna Culture

Stiiizy Cookies Strain Review

27.45% THC
@stiiizy @stiiizynation
🥠Beautiful, big, purple and green hued buds with streaks of yellowing near the stem and some vibrant , long and thin orange pistils. Trichomes completely cover the flower adding a sugary dusty coat of stickyness to the hairy looking nugs. The colors that show im this flower complement each other well.
🍪Strong stoney high. As you calm your thoughts your body does the same, easing you into a euphoric and blissful experience. A great high for anytime you need to force your mind to relax and need a change of perspective.
🗿The aroma isn’t as strong as im used to. Upon opening the jar you get an deep earthy tone with hints of vanilla almond.
When I inhale the flavor is light and the smoke is a little harsh on my throat. Mostly a sweet earthy flavor but very subtle.

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