CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Blue Platinum 41 by The Real King Cookie

Blue Platinum 41 💙🦍🍨

Lineage/Genetics: Gary Payton x Gelato 41

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: The Real King Cookie

Terpene Profile: Unknown

Dispensary: The Green Door SF

Blue Platinum 41 Strain Review

24.37% THC
30.61% Total Cannabinoids
picked this one up earlier in the year
💙Pungent earthy gelato aroma, Invigorating creamy vanilla and fuel note with a earthy base stain your nose and hands.
✨Dense sticky nugs , frosty with shining trichomes that give off a dusty grainy sugary look, the flower has hues of deep violet and dark indigo with forest green blended together. upon closer look you can see short and vivid bold orange pistils embedded in the leaves.
🍨The smell is so pungent you can almost taste it without a drag. You get a deep sweet creamy earthy notes dominating your tastebuds with strong smooth kick of vanilla and fuel. Heavy Potent Smoke great for heavy snookers and high tolerance users no cough but you definitely feel that pressure.
💙Off the first puff i felt like my body was floating, defintely the best Gelato out at least that ive had. At first I felt strong uplifting feeling takeover mind, i felt very giggly and social, Before i knew it my feet were tingling and the feeling was moving up my body leaving my feel as light as a cloud as it passed each limb. The high was strong af and long lasting, the munchies hit hard and it’s not really a sedating high but it is relieving and gives you a nice boost of social energy. Highly Recommend trying this one out.

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