Strain Review: CB Cake by Connoisseur Brandz
CB Cake 🎂💥Review
Lineage/Genetics: Unknown
Original Breeder: Unknown
Grower: Connoisseurz Brand
Dispensary: Canna Culture
CB Cake Strain Review
@e40 -M.O.B. 🔈🔈
29.28% Total THC
35.06% Total Cannabinoids
🎂Off white sugary trichomes give the colors of this flower a faded look; Exactly what you’ll be after experiencing the body relaxing, healing mind calming effects of the faded fern green leaves with spots of darker mauve and violet light brown pistils with a subtle orange tint compliment and help the more purple toned leaves stand out.
💥A sweeter, earth & creamy cake flavor upfront with a mild fuel taste on the exhale that’s a little harsh on your throat about half way through . The aroma is a pungent creamy mix of sweet earth & a present but muted skunky fuel notes.
🙌🏿A full body high that starts in your head. a sharp sensation will seemingly cut through all your worries as you body fills with a relaxing cloud. Great for night time just before bed.
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