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Strain Review: Kush Cake by Preferred Gardens

Kush Cake grown by @preferred_gardens

Lineage/Genetics: Wedding Cake x Kush Mints

Original Breeder: Seed Junky Genetics

Grower: Preferred Gardens

Preferred Gardens Kush Cake Review

kush cake by preferred gardens strain review by cannasseur777 2Aroma: True to its namesake Kush Cake is doughy and sweet on the nose, not like a frosting slathered cake with sprinkles but like a nice freshly baked pound cake. Preferred always has their terp game on point, it’s one of the things (among many) that keeps me coming back to them, and while cake terps are nothing new to me I’m still extremely satisfied every time I crack this bag open and smell the rich doughy aroma without even having to stick my nose close to the bag.

Taste: this is one that tastes a lot like it smells for me. It feels like im huffing the fumes from a bakery’s air vents, the raw doughy nose turns into a richer, slightly sweeter baked taste almost reminiscent of a concha

High: For me cake strains are always reliable. They never blow me away with how they hit, but I’m never disappointed either. This ones definitely a couch locker that’s heavy on the sedating side. It’s the kind of strain that has you listening to the same song on repeat for 15 minutes without even realizing cause you’ve been vibing the whole time.

Negatives: My biggest complaint with the kush cake, and really my only complaint with Preferred Gardens in general is that these nugs are dense as all hell

Overall: Alright let me talk about Preferred Gardens for a bit cause I’ve been a huge fan of them for a while. It’s hard to find anything in the legal market these days that smokes fire and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg for an 1/8th, and most of the time you pay top shelf prices plus tax and end up with mids in a mylar. Enter Preferred Gardens. They do mixed light growing, basically they operate in a temp controlled glass ceiling greenhouse that lets them grow great bud at great prices. Sticker price on it is 35, and honestly it smokes better than a lot of the stuff I’ve seen going for 50. Burns clean, tastes and smells great, it’s definitely one to look out for. I’ll be doing a couple more reviews by them in the near future.

#strainreview #preferredgardens #cannasseur

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