FlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Pound Cake by SF Cultivators

@sfcultivators #poundcake Pound cake –

Lineage/Genetics: Kimbo Kush x Cookies and Cream #8

Indica or Sativa: Indica dominant Hybrid

Original Breeder: Unknown

Grower: SF Cultivators

Pound Cake Strain Review

21% THC

Another new flavor I was blessed to come across from these guys. Popping the seal, instantly smelled like musky kush with super light vanilla, sweet/ powdered sugar cream notes. Dense green/purple leaves coated with red orange hairs. Each leaf has risen droppletts frozen in space. Breaking these guys apart is a bit of a chore tbh. I got a few bigger chunks off and then moved to the grinder.

Hopefully I could grab some trichomes but they stayed together nicely, sorry this time to the kief catcher. Rich smoke from the bong, full tastes of vanilla, powdered sugar, and pine release of OG. The change is instant on the exhale opening center pineal gland and out the front towards the eyes. Legs are relaxed as are my back muscles from physical therapy.

#sf #sac #weedreviews #weed #415 #916 #cannabiscommunity #cannabis #cannabisreviews #exotic #trees

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