Strain Review: Tangerine Dream by Barney’s Farm
One hit…alert.
Two hits, alert, focused, relaxed.
Three hits, I hit the couch.
Tangerine Dream is one sativa-dominant strain that’s a slippery slope for me. It all well and good, until it’s not. While I don’t love the sleepy part, the SunnyD terps are its redeeming quality because they shine bright on the inhale.
Lineage/Genetics: G13 x Afghani x Neville’s A5 Haze
Original Breeder: Barney’s Farm

Tangerine Dream Strain Review
It’s not uncommon for sativas to be sedative for me. Sour Diesel here in IL puts me to bed, unlike it’s East Coast counterpart, which used to be my weekday go-to. Cultivars are weird like that. Every cross, grow, and cure is slightly different and that impacts the effects we feel. This reminds me that it’s a plant and I kind of love the reminder, though inconvenient especially for medical users. ✌🏾️ Questions for you 1. Have you ever had an uplifting cultivar make you sleepy? Tell me all about it! 2. What do you think of this review style compared to my usual cultivar reviews? . . . . . #ilmmj #upinsmokesession #strainreview #blackcannabiscreators #tangerinedream #limonene #myrcene #caryophyllene #nugshot #hightimes #cannacurious #highercontent #womeninweed #blackwomeninweed #womenwhosmokeCheck out more reviews by @upinsmokesession on Instagram! (
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