Strain Review: Pineapple Upside Down Cake by Canna Culture
Pineapple Upsidedown Cake🍍🙃
Lineage/Genetics: Pineapple Trainwreck ❎ Cookie Monster
Original Breeder: Mad Cow Genetics
Grower: Canna Culture (Giovanni Aburto)
Dispensary: Canna Culture

Canna Culture Pineapple Upside Down Cake Review
. 19.47% THC 0.06% CBD . @cannaculturesanjose @dongiovanni1986 @stoneyxvibes . 🍍The aroma smells like fresh cut, sweet ripe pineapple on a warm summer day with deep sour gummie undertones and hints of pine . The pineapple notes are heavy and thick and is first to hit your nose with more citrusy earth and gummie candy notes registering after. The flavors match the aroma closely, you get sweet warm pineapple and nutty earth tones upfront that mix with a sour citrusy gummy flavor with deep hints of pine. The dessert like profile is potent and one to really enjoy. . 🍍Medium sized , dense but not too tightly spaced nugs. Very sticky and moist to the touch with a fuzzy layer trichomes as well as a nice sugary crystal coating. The color palette reminds me of a pineapple with deep dark green outer leaves and mix of lime and emerald hues yellowing within the nug as u get closer to it’s stem. Red Orange pistils are complimented well with the vivid mix of greens and golden tinged trichomes. . 🍍The high for this was interesting, I felt a deep relaxing tingling in my body while my mind was getting a calm but focusing heady euphioric effect. I found it difficult to really relax mentally at first and kept wanting to start new tasks, I think that was due to the combination of euphioric bliss and the uplifting tingling buzz and how my day was going. After a little while my body was completely relaxed and my mind was lifted and calm, the high and the tropical Fruity flavors last a long time making this a great smoke for anytime especially when its time to wind down🍍💯Check out more reviews by on Instagram! (