CaliforniaFlowerHybridsIndica DominantMarijuanaReviewsStrains

Strain Review: Peanut Butter Bread by Money Trees

Happy Monday!
. @moneytreescannabis
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. @trunorcal420_
. @westcoastsmokeshow

Brand: Money Trees

Cultivar: Peanut Butter Bread

Lineage/Genetics: Unknown

Original Breeder; Unknown

Grower: Money Trees

Dispensary: Lemonnade Sacramento

Peanut Butter Bread Strain Review

peanut butter bread by money trees strain review by trunorcal420 222.405% THC
0.438% CBD
25.58% THCa
29.498% Total Cannabinoids

Comments: I’ve followed this brand for well over a year. Their Augmented Reality packaging is hella unique, adds something extra Ive only seen on wine bottles tbh. While on the subject, let’s modernize cannabis the way wine and alcohol is welcomed with open arms. It’s happening slowly but surely. Keep it up everyone! Appreciate the grit and effort for the industry!!


1. Scent: Toasted Nutty woods. Can def call that PB for sure. Cool kinda wintergreen also. Liking it!!

2. Appearance: Daaaang. It’s a mixture look of GMO style flavor type of buds, tightly bound by purple and blinged up trichomes. Deep green plant matter and red/orange fire kissed hair.

3. Nug Structure: Denser for sure. First nug was a small guy and pulled apart a bit too easily. But the bigger nugs are cured, but should I be using hands or grinder? I’ll def want those trichomes but my bubbler will pull the smaller matter thru too fast without a screen. Grinder works perfect for a doobie or the bong tho tbh.

peanut butter bread by money trees strain review by trunorcal420 34. Smoke: I took two back to back deep lung bowls and was happy to not cough at all. Big smoke stacks for sure, not having any issues. Lady didn’t cough off the bong either.

5. Taste: Exhale leaves me with some of those toasted nut tones. Just nice and easy going thru the system. Little spice tingle on the nose.

6. Reaction: Head and body bliss-level up with each passing puff. One bowl set me up for a good hour plus. Did not need a 2nd bowl to keep me going. Total duration was prob hr and a half.

7. Conclusion: Lovely top shelf selection for a special occasion, if you can find it and you can swing, get it. Up there for my pocket book tbh but would grab again and I’ll likely review more as the year progresses. The stone was heavyweight, recommended to my late evening before bed sessions only.


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